Wednesday, November 14, 2007


I feel one of my biggest mistakes was not studying abroad in college. I was too lazy to
put up with the paperwork to get there, my mom was not behind me on the idea, I wasn't sure how to pay for it, and I feared putting myself into debt or falling behind on my schoolwork. So I didn't go because of fear, laziness, and ignorance. There are a few other things in my life that I would have liked to do but didn't because of similar reasons.
What I want to start doing is taking the risks, still recognizing what is a passing fancy but accepting the risk for something I really want to do. I do not wish to lay on my death bed thinking, "I always did everything I was supposed to. I skated through life, never investing too much, or taking on any challenges that I felt could be too much to handle. I was just content". My mantra right now- "You will always miss 100% of the chances you don't take."

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