“Beneath the froth, in a great stylist, is a deep pool of memory and longing. It’s down there that the extraordinary images swim from”- Anna Wintour
While most girls aspire to the coveted role of Fashion Director for a major fashion magazine (working with celebrities, traveling to all fashion shows, and standing in as the face of the magazine) it is the Fashion Stylist that appeals most to me. The Fashion Stylist seems to be the guts of the magazine, while the Fashion Market Director gets the public glory. I would much rather be a little more private with my publicity and work freelance for different publications, designers, musical artists, etc. More importantly though, it is the Fashion Stylist’s every day tasks that appeal most to me; working with photographers, contributing to the themes of photographs, managing the budgets of a shoot, traveling to different places for photo shoots, and as a freelance stylist I would be able to work on my own schedule a little more, having longer days at times, but not always having to be at the same place at the same time everyday.
As a sales manager and a visual arts major, I am capable of either position, however, it is the artistic quality of the stylist that is most intriguing. A stylist tells a story with images. I have lots of experience with this. I have taken several classes on modern art and have worked in several mediums including painting, photography, photography enhancement, video, drawing, sculpture, and others to create an idea through an image or object. I even studied dance, ballet, modern, and jazz and can wrap my mind around the complex idea of choreographing a person to tell a story. I performed alot of the photography tasks on my own in my college courses, and feel that I can connect clothing to a theme and properly fit a person into an ensemble that is provocative, yet classy. As a sales manager, I have managed my own finances as well as accounting for all payments of my clients, and could easily manage the budgets for a photoshoot. I also have become accustomed to getting my work done on my own time. I am pretty much given a deadline, and that is the only timeline I really have to work with. I feel that no matter how much preparation goes into the clothes for a photo shoot, the best stylists can improvise as well. I have performed in theatre improvistion all throughout high school, and I believe this is a very important trait that will help me in my future endeavors.
But before I jump in with both feet to start this career path, there are a few skills I would like to learn. I want to work for a photographer, performing various styling tasks including clothing and accessory choices. It would be wonderful to travel a bit with him for certain jobs, just to learn what is available to me by way of landscape, cityscape, and gain more knowledge on the femme de la mode movement. I also would like to know what is available to me as far as short term clothing and accessories- for instance, what can be rented for quality items that are too expensive to buy for a photo shoot, or if there is opportunity to have items donated for freelance photo shoots that are not directly correlated to a publication. I would love to begin this now and hopefully continue it after moving to a more metropolitan area and into a styling assistant position at a publication. It should encourage my stylistic side, help build my work experience, and teach me how certain types of clothing should be photographed to present a spectacular image. I then would like to work with a designer, learning more about the apparel aspect so that I can better understand how a certain material will move, where the underground jewels to find certain types of costumes or clothing are, and how much I can expect to spend on certain types of outfits. After a short time of working for various artists, I would also like to work for a publication for a time so that I can better understand how the fast paced industry of a fashion magazine works as I will undoubtedly be working for them on a freelance basis in the future. The best way to put yourself in the position of receiving work as a freelance artist is to network. I will perform well in every job so that I can build a name for myself and hopefully receive work from previous publications I have worked for.
I would also love to work with someone like Andrea Lieberman for a time. I think it would be interesting to see how she makes decisions about some of the clothes she chooses, what the thought process is, if every photograph has a theme, and how she is able to keep her clientele in order to stay in business.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Gwen in Action: With a different kind of tote!

Gwen Stefani has it all:the voice, the fame, Gavin Rosdale, and a new little bundle of joy to tote around! No, I am not talking about one of her stylish L.A.M.B. bags, Gwen walked out on the runway carrying little Kingston on her hip. It just goes to show you, even motherhood couldn't stop this starlet from pursuing her dreams. Her Spring 2008 collection is indicative of a new, more mature Gwen while retaining some of the punk rock- jamaica style of her days as the lead singer of No Doubt. In fact, long before the creation of L.A.M.B., Gwen could be found sewing, stitching, gluing, and in general designing her own costumes for the shows.

My hat is off to her for her willingness to try new things and be a little silly at times (who else can pull off pink hair really?). The Spring collection for L.A.M.B. with its checkered prints, classy necklines, and playful nod to The Sound of Music is really a breath of fresh air from some of the other fashion lines created by actresses/singers. I swear if one more celebrity endorsed perfume comes out, we will have to have mandatory air fresheners in public places. Gwen has surely made her mark as an innovative designer, a performer even the men can adore, a loving mother, and one hell of a celebrity.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
A Look at Vivienne Westwood

Her Spring 2008 collection:
• It’s fresh and edgy with its unkempt lines and rough materials. It sort of presents a new take on punk and anarchy with its obvious political message.
• She isn’t just working with flowery prints or clean lines as most spring collections usually present, the work is very artistic, some pieces seem more like sculptures to me.
• Westwood really understands the idea of fashion for arts sake, presenting clothing beyond is marketable or anywhere close to something you may see walking down the street.
• The DIY spirit of it all is inspirational, for example, in the outfit that appears to be just a draping of a cloak with the word "propaganda" on it.
Her Inspiration
• The show was named 56 after the number of days the British Labor government proposes to hold terror suspects in jail without trial
• Also supposedly reminiscing an imaginary sex-filled marriage between Marilyn Monroe and an English lord
The Most Important Look:
• Propaganda T-shirts over stuffed bras- loudly preaching the social message of high status women obsessing over their figures

• Something really beautiful starts to happen in some of the more subtle looks, very characteristic DIY which gives it the luxury characteristic of being "one of a kind"
Her Signature
• Westwood’s latest collection is characteristic to her style, depicting “waggish references to royalty, historical excess (mini- crinolines and bodices from which the wearer’s bosom spills like a milk jelly”- Phaidon, 494
• She can explore the extremes of a dress with the excessive length or fullness usually equated with more elegant and dressy ball gowns but make them appear more casual.
• Westwood emphasizes eccentricity and subversion
• Partnered with Malcolm McLauren, she was accredited with shaping the punk movement. McLauren admits “Punk was just a way to sell trousers”- Phaidon, 301
I feel one of my biggest mistakes was not studying abroad in college. I was too lazy to
put up with the paperwork to get there, my mom was not behind me on the idea, I wasn't sure how to pay for it, and I feared putting myself into debt or falling behind on my schoolwork. So I didn't go because of fear, laziness, and ignorance. There are a few other things in my life that I would have liked to do but didn't because of similar reasons.
What I want to start doing is taking the risks, still recognizing what is a passing fancy but accepting the risk for something I really want to do. I do not wish to lay on my death bed thinking, "I always did everything I was supposed to. I skated through life, never investing too much, or taking on any challenges that I felt could be too much to handle. I was just content". My mantra right now- "You will always miss 100% of the chances you don't take."
put up with the paperwork to get there, my mom was not behind me on the idea, I wasn't sure how to pay for it, and I feared putting myself into debt or falling behind on my schoolwork. So I didn't go because of fear, laziness, and ignorance. There are a few other things in my life that I would have liked to do but didn't because of similar reasons.
What I want to start doing is taking the risks, still recognizing what is a passing fancy but accepting the risk for something I really want to do. I do not wish to lay on my death bed thinking, "I always did everything I was supposed to. I skated through life, never investing too much, or taking on any challenges that I felt could be too much to handle. I was just content". My mantra right now- "You will always miss 100% of the chances you don't take."
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
5 Years From Now
“Mona, call Marc Jacobs we need to redo the shoot for the Make your Marc article.”
It is 9AM in Los Angeles, and my day is already in full swing. I hang up the phone in my quaint corner office, which has the perfect view of the Christmas decorations accumulating in the downtown area, but I am hardly ever at my desk to enjoy it. My office is quiet so that I can work efficiently, but right outside, there is the sound of business and everyone is talking about tonight’s big event. Perfectly pressed in my winter-white Chanel power suit, jacket fitted at the waist and cropped just above the hips, I am feeling confident and classy as always. I am already leaving the office on my way to the next photo shoot. I grab my white fedora propped on my glass top desk and head quickly to Starbucks to meet Mona, the lead fashion director at my company. It is going to be a long but exciting day.
“Marc wants to know why you feel it should be redone?”- Mona asks over two caramel macchiatos.
“It’s a bit muppety.” I reply with confidence.
My position as creative director of ZINK Magazine is to oversee photo shoots and assist with the research and styling of fashion features. I am flying the following week to New York to help with the large-and-in-charge January issue, coordinating outfits for the glamorous Romanticism feature and two weeks from now I will be going to India to do a segment on Bali-wood inspiration. For today, Mona and I are just taking in the crisp morning air as we pop off to the destination of today’s job.
“I am not sure about the Dior ensemble we chose for the Plaid Feature.”
“Would you call it muppety?” Mona snickers, playfully bashing my deranged vocabulary. The atmosphere at ZINK is professional, and competition is inevitable, however the witty humor and friendliness between the co-workers surpasses the need to be petty or superficial to get ahead professionally. It is unlike the cold catty mood surrounding the workplace of other major fashion publications due to the magazine’s edgy nature and slightly smaller popularity.
We arrive at the Paramount Pictures grounds where the studio has graciously allowed us to rent out the space for our Roaring Twenties fashion editorial. Our models are dressed in modern depictions of the flapper dresses, men’s sportswear, plunging back- lines, peacock feather fans, fun headdresses, and fabulous fur coats (say that fast three times). The scene combines the look of a gangster club setting with a more illustrious Great Gatsby style. In the center sits Natalie Portman, the perfect body type for the job and all the right attitude for the look. Hair and make- up assistants are hurried out of harms way as six photographers begin shooting the first of five sets for the editorial.
“What are you wearing to the Rock your Vote show next week?” I ask.
“I was thinking I would wear that little red plaid number! I love that we are encouraging social obligation through fashion,” Mona replies.
At 12:30, we part ways, Mona remaining at the photo shoot so that I can meet my sister for a quick bite to eat, then I head back to the office to make some more calls in deciphering who will be featured in our next Of the Moment- Designer piece. My money is on a losing contestant from the 15th Project Runway season, who made it to the fourth round but lost in the “Create Your Dress from Wheat Grass” challenge.
In my spare time, I am working on a long-term project to present for consideration to the editor-in-chief. The idea is to produce our own installation for an art show, set to take place at MOCA. The idea for the show is to depict fashion as a form of social, political, or artistic expression. I have already encouraged Imitations of Christ, a long lost edgy designer, and Vivienne Westwood to collaborate on the project. The installation not only encourages fashion as an art form, it allows ZINK the opportunity to spread their brand name to a different demographic and uphold the fresh and creative image of the publication.
At 7PM, the photo shoot has finally come to a close (we have our work cut out for us tomorrow in choosing the best photographs to present for the lead fashion editorial) and Mona returns to the office where our private company car picks us up and we must rush home to prepare for the 20th annual promotion party thrown by ZINK at the Grafton on Sunset. Of course, because I am a long time friend of Betsy Johnson, she has designed my outfit for me. Although the party is a lot of work, mingling, and promoting for us, Mona and I look forward to it every year. It is not unusual for employees at ZINK to be invited to several events a week, but sometimes we look forward to just heading home to unwind after a long work day. We work long days, however, we are at liberty to make personal errands during the day as long as we get our work done.
It is 9AM in Los Angeles, and my day is already in full swing. I hang up the phone in my quaint corner office, which has the perfect view of the Christmas decorations accumulating in the downtown area, but I am hardly ever at my desk to enjoy it. My office is quiet so that I can work efficiently, but right outside, there is the sound of business and everyone is talking about tonight’s big event. Perfectly pressed in my winter-white Chanel power suit, jacket fitted at the waist and cropped just above the hips, I am feeling confident and classy as always. I am already leaving the office on my way to the next photo shoot. I grab my white fedora propped on my glass top desk and head quickly to Starbucks to meet Mona, the lead fashion director at my company. It is going to be a long but exciting day.
“Marc wants to know why you feel it should be redone?”- Mona asks over two caramel macchiatos.
“It’s a bit muppety.” I reply with confidence.
My position as creative director of ZINK Magazine is to oversee photo shoots and assist with the research and styling of fashion features. I am flying the following week to New York to help with the large-and-in-charge January issue, coordinating outfits for the glamorous Romanticism feature and two weeks from now I will be going to India to do a segment on Bali-wood inspiration. For today, Mona and I are just taking in the crisp morning air as we pop off to the destination of today’s job.
“I am not sure about the Dior ensemble we chose for the Plaid Feature.”
“Would you call it muppety?” Mona snickers, playfully bashing my deranged vocabulary. The atmosphere at ZINK is professional, and competition is inevitable, however the witty humor and friendliness between the co-workers surpasses the need to be petty or superficial to get ahead professionally. It is unlike the cold catty mood surrounding the workplace of other major fashion publications due to the magazine’s edgy nature and slightly smaller popularity.
We arrive at the Paramount Pictures grounds where the studio has graciously allowed us to rent out the space for our Roaring Twenties fashion editorial. Our models are dressed in modern depictions of the flapper dresses, men’s sportswear, plunging back- lines, peacock feather fans, fun headdresses, and fabulous fur coats (say that fast three times). The scene combines the look of a gangster club setting with a more illustrious Great Gatsby style. In the center sits Natalie Portman, the perfect body type for the job and all the right attitude for the look. Hair and make- up assistants are hurried out of harms way as six photographers begin shooting the first of five sets for the editorial.
“What are you wearing to the Rock your Vote show next week?” I ask.
“I was thinking I would wear that little red plaid number! I love that we are encouraging social obligation through fashion,” Mona replies.
At 12:30, we part ways, Mona remaining at the photo shoot so that I can meet my sister for a quick bite to eat, then I head back to the office to make some more calls in deciphering who will be featured in our next Of the Moment- Designer piece. My money is on a losing contestant from the 15th Project Runway season, who made it to the fourth round but lost in the “Create Your Dress from Wheat Grass” challenge.
In my spare time, I am working on a long-term project to present for consideration to the editor-in-chief. The idea is to produce our own installation for an art show, set to take place at MOCA. The idea for the show is to depict fashion as a form of social, political, or artistic expression. I have already encouraged Imitations of Christ, a long lost edgy designer, and Vivienne Westwood to collaborate on the project. The installation not only encourages fashion as an art form, it allows ZINK the opportunity to spread their brand name to a different demographic and uphold the fresh and creative image of the publication.
At 7PM, the photo shoot has finally come to a close (we have our work cut out for us tomorrow in choosing the best photographs to present for the lead fashion editorial) and Mona returns to the office where our private company car picks us up and we must rush home to prepare for the 20th annual promotion party thrown by ZINK at the Grafton on Sunset. Of course, because I am a long time friend of Betsy Johnson, she has designed my outfit for me. Although the party is a lot of work, mingling, and promoting for us, Mona and I look forward to it every year. It is not unusual for employees at ZINK to be invited to several events a week, but sometimes we look forward to just heading home to unwind after a long work day. We work long days, however, we are at liberty to make personal errands during the day as long as we get our work done.
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